You want to be THAT girl. The one with a single swipe of cream eyeshadow and a spritz of something elegant on each wrist. Doe eyes behind dark round shades. Her laugh is like bells, and she’s complete, she’s whole, the world unfolds for her like a fragrant gardenia. Every step oozes Italian Luxe & Limited Color Palette and clean white bedsheets soaked in Sunday morning sunlight with a sweetly subtle warm-toned filter
she doesn’t smoke but has the rasp of an Angel and
white-white-gleaming-white-teeth, a mouth full of pearls, tiny laughing jewels, and she knows that you know that she knows she can have everyone she wants, everyTHING she wants, and You can have it too just buy this and this and this and this and consume her whole, flesh and all, absorb the wardrobe and the sticky lip glosses and their accompanying coupon code, and the carefully curated captions, swallow the silky hair and small hips and faithful morning coffee routine
Step into the husk and zip yourself in, seal yourself away in her cocoon, suffocate on the hot stale air and forget about the sun. Feel beautiful.