A vibrant celebration of queerness for Switched Teams fall 2023 campaign

Creative director/owner @yoshigillette | Producer @davenmayedaart | Photographer @really_rielle | Photographer assistant @saulryers | Stylist @styledbysum | MUA @sienna_eleanora | BTS Photographer @willasalam | PA/BTS Videographer @_clairestanton_

Vibrant magenta eyes and lips add a bold edge to the model's delicate features and work in tandem with the doll-like, hyper-feminine feel of the garments. The model's skin is fresh with minimal coverage and a coral blush to complement their hair and freckles.

Model: @white.cocoa_ Photographer: @justinnayers Lighting: @willa.camera

Draped pink blush both contours the model's face and adds a point of vibrant contrast against the beige desert in the background. Glitter is delicately placed only at the center of the lid, the inner corner, and beneath the water line to create a triangle of emphasis around the model's eyes. A thin band of holographic liner runs along the lash line parallel to the pink dusted in the tails of her brows.

Model: @phot0jenic Photographer: @willa.camera

A gemstone-studded purple eye pops against a flawless matte base in this Cher-meets-Euphoria-inspired look. A dramatic pair of bold, black lashes frame the model's eyes and evoke the decadent excess of Los Angeles nightlife.

Model: @moriahgarcia Photographer: @justinnayers

A soft-matte base with rosy lips, wispy false lashes, and shimmery lids creates a soft, flattering look that complements multiple outfit changes for a graduation shoot.

Photographer: @willa.camera

Neutral brown eyeshadow, black brow gel, mascara, and a soft matte pink lip create a beautiful, natural backdrop that lets the vintage garments sing.

Model: @vivienneonline Photographer: @willa.camera Stylist: @rawunprotectedrex
